
Error message

  • Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 5 of 154 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1202 of /home/dh_6hcdc2/yogau.online/docroot/includes/bootstrap.inc).
  • The file could not be created.
  • The file could not be created.

Tonia Kulp


I am an E-RYT 500 yoga teacher, focusing my work with children experiening pain through my work as an Integrative Therapist at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. I also work with women on their breast cancer journey through my work with Unite for Her, a local nonprofit organization. I have additional certifications in children's yoga and yoga for school, as well as training specific to my work in oncology for children. I am currently pursuing my M.S. in Yoga Therapy at Maryland University of Integrative Health. 

Yoga Style

Hatha, Restorative Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Yoga for Children, Yoga for Teens

Theraputic Focus

Yoga for Chronic Pain, Yoga for Anxiety, Yoga for Cancer, Yoga for Children, Yoga for Mental Health, Yoga for Special Needs Kids, Yoga Therapy


E-RYT 500

727 Isaac Taylor Drive
West Chester, PA 19382
United States