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Yoga for the Winter Blues: Ease Seasonal Affective Disorder

Kathryn Boland, R-CYT, R-DMT
Taking your yoga practice outside for fresh air and sun will help you fight the winter blues.

Aaah, the winter blues, that malaise when the cold, quiet winter months feel like they’re dragging on forever. Ten to 20 percent of the general population experiences Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It can hit anyone, yet it is more common in women (1). Could yoga for winter blues take the edge off, easing symptoms and making the winter feel brighter? 

How to practice Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III) in a yoga sequence to flow with change

Flow with Change: A Yoga Sequence

As humans evolved, certainty and consistency came to mean safety. Conversely, a lack of those things came to set off alarm bells and preparations to fight, flee, or freeze, on biological, physical, and... Read more
Yoga wellness tips to find your center and reclaim your joy

Book Review: If I'm So Spiritual, Why Am I Still So Anxious?

As a yoga teacher, I have had students say they aspire to be more like me. What they mean is the calm, peaceful, stress-free yogi they see when I am on the mat. However, I quickly remind them there are times... Read more
How to boost your mood with six simple daily practices in Tree yoga pose (Vrksasana)

How to Boost Your Mood with 6 Daily Practices

Nearly seven percent of adults in the U.S. are suffering from severe clinical depression at any given time. Fifteen percent of us will endure paralyzing depression at some point in our lives. And 18 percent of... Read more
beginner yoga student enjoying the benefits of child's pose (balasana in sanskrit)

Grounding and Releasing: A Yoga Sequence for Grief

Grief—the loss of a loved one, our full health, a relationship, a job, or a pet. We all experience it at some point. We miss what was and fear the future without it. Sometimes lack of closure or unanswered... Read more
how to practice pranayama breathing in yoga to help relieve anxiety and stress

Control Your Breath to Calm Your Mind: 4 Pranayama Practices to Help Relieve Anxiety

Pranayama is a beautiful practice of working with the flow of energy in our bodies. Most dissect the word pranayama as coming from the two roots “prana” and “yama.” Prana translates as “life-force energy” and... Read more

Quarantine Blues: How to Make Home Yoga Practice Your Sanctuary

“Isolation makes any problem bigger,” says Leslie Wilkin, a clinical social worker. Normally, Leslie Wilkin sees her clients at Island Health in Nanaimo face to face for depression, anxiety, addictions, and... Read more
Study finds yoga helps ease depression

New Worldwide Study Finds that Yoga Can Help Ease Symptoms of Depression

Each year, 17 million people or 7 percent of American adults experience at least one major depressive episode of two weeks duration or longer. Depression is also a common additional symptom of several other... Read more
woman practicing yoga meditation.

Yoga and Resiliency for First Responders : Part 1

In our modern world, it is widely understood and accepted that the practice of yoga makes us feel good. You may have taken a class at a gym or a local studio and left with that “floaty” feeling, and summed it... Read more
Male yoga student stretching to the side in yoga class.

When Restorative Yoga is Not Enough: 4 Sequencing Tips for Calming Anxiety

She stomped up to me at the end of class, obviously pissed off. “I don’t know what you think this stuff is good for,” she barked. I was taken aback, “What’s wrong?” “Your poses,” she continued, hands-on-hips... Read more
Woman practicing yoga for winter blues in Supported Backbend pose

Fight the Winter Blues - Free Online Yoga Sequence to Lift Your Mood

This winter has been long, cold, and icy for us - and, frankly, we're getting a little tired of it! So, instead of sitting around beating our heads against the wall, waiting for elusive spring to arrive, we... Read more