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National Association of Complementary and Alternative Medicines - Serves complementary and alternative medicine professionals by providing practice support, marketing materials, state licensing and insurance requirements, and access to liability insurance.

Ayurveda For You - Comprehensive website on Ayurveda. Learn Ayurveda through ebooks, free email courses, free newsletter, Online certificate courses. We ship Ayurvedic medicines world wide.

Better Breathing - Breathing Development Research, Education, Services, Programs for Superior Health, Peak Performance, Life Extension. Better breathing is possible for everyone.

Yoga Insurance - NACAMS provides yoga liability insurance, public education programs, marketingresources, yoga teacher insurance and yoga instructor insurance; the perfect yoga teacher insurance policy, with excellent benefits, to protect your practice.

Leeann Carey Yoga - Provides inspires continuing yoga education for teachers in studios, wellness, fitness and athletic facilities.

Health Yoga - Health Retreat - Balancing the Bali experience – Spiritual healing, Yoga retreat and vacation, health, spas, resorts, meditation, holistic therapies.


Yoga for Kids

Child Light Yoga - Child Light Yoga provides research-based yoga education to children in schools and communities, and to professionals whose work supports the well- being of children.

Little Flower Yoga for Children - specializes in creating unique and engaging classes that develop students’ mental, physical and emotional wellness. Education and youth development Best Practices are incorporated into all of our classes, and we create customized yoga programs that empower students to make healthy choices.

Yogi Beans -Yogi Beans is an educational, energetic, and transformative yoga for kids program.

East West Rehab - Harmonizing East & West Mind & Body

YogaBound.com -Yoga Retreats, Vacations, Travel and Getaways with special Yoga in Bali and Yoga in Thailand Retreats. Unique Yoga Products like Yoga Mat Bags, Yoga Tanks and Tops, Aromatherapy Eye Pillows and other 'Cool Stuff to Buy', wholesale and retail.

Yoga Info, News, Shop, Travel & Community @ ABC-of-Yoga

Yoga Movement — An online magazine about the practice of yoga and meditation. Includes articles, texts, a directory of top yoga sites, a listing of yoga centers, and helpful resources.


Yoga Accessories

SpiritVoyage.com - For yoga, relaxation and music

Yoga Clothing Shop: Yoga T-Shirts and Gifts- Yoga Clothing Shop offers a large selection of cool, original, high quality Yoga t-shirts and meditation apparel and gifts.

Sunshine Yoga Mats - Yoga Mats,Yoga bolsters, Yoga blocks and fitness gear at Factory Direct price.

YogaMatStore.com - YogaMatStore provides the best selection of eco-friendly yoga mats and accessories at the best prices on the internet.