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Lose Weight: Eliminate Propionate

Beth Levine for Jon Barron Baseline of Health® Foundation
Pretty smiling girl with pink hair in hoodie comparing between fresh green apple and sweet cupcake i

As part of a healthy lifestyle, you undoubtedly try to be careful about what you eat. You probably choose lots of fresh foods and carefully read the labels of any packaged foods you purchase, checking for calorie counts and making sure the item doesn’t include too much sodium, fat, and sugar. But you may not read the ingredient list quite as closely, and even if you do, many people are not familiar with the names of every additive. And according to new research, one of these common additives might be contributing to health and weight problems.

Older yoga student practicing yoga and drinking water outdoors.

Intermittent Fasting for Health and Weight Loss

Jon Barron’s Fasting Protocol Jon Barron, the founder of the Baseline of Health Foundation, has long advocated intermittent fasting for health and weight loss. His recommended protocol includes fasting one day... Read more
Yoga woman meditating with healthy weight loss

The Yoga of Weight Loss: How I Lost 30 Pounds Meditating (and What I Gained)

“Clear your mind. Your heart is trying to tell you something.” ~ Unknown I recently lost 30-plus pounds without trying or intending to. I remember excitedly sharing this news on social media one day, after... Read more

Yoga + Weight Management: 5 Intentions to Feed Your Success

Any teacher worth his or her salt will tell you that practiced alone, yoga is not the most efficient way to lose weight, although it does contribute to weight loss over time . There are always exceptions, but... Read more
Woman practicing yoga for better sleep to prevent weight gain

Another Reason to Sleep More: Can Sleep Loss Lead to Weight Gain?

Most of us do not practice yoga for weight management, but we all know that maintaining a healthy weight helps the body function more efficiently. It is common knowledge that our ability to manage weight... Read more
Full bodied woman doing chair pose Yoga Practice Positively Influence Body Image

The Yoga Bod: Can Yoga Practice Positively Influence Body Image?

The philosophical aspects of yoga teach us to shift away from self-judgment of our bodies and minds. Yet yoga in the West has become a multibillion-dollar industry that is represented by thin, toned models... Read more

The Yoga of Eating: 4 Ways to Love Food and Stay Healthy

Yoga can be a gateway to health and wellness. However, the constant flux of dietary trends popular among yoga practitioners can lead to confusion, self-doubt, and self-deprivation. We can continue to love food... Read more
Woman practicing savasana

4 Yogic Tips to Make your New Year's Resolutions Stick

It's the start of a new year, and that means new New Year resolutions! In this article, YogaUOnline teacher Kristine Kaoverii Weber, founder of Subtle Yoga, offers some great tips and action steps to help us... Read more

Seven Ways to Fix a Slow Metabolism

“No matter what I do, I can’t seem to lose weight,” writes this week’s house call, who is also an Eat Fat, Get Thin challenge participant. “I think I’m cursed with a slow metabolism.” I hear this often among... Read more

Turn Down the Food Noise

What if the only thoughts you had about food were positive – if food was a source of pleasure, nourishment, and nutrients, rather than stress and confusion? What if your thoughts about food were simply: “Wow,... Read more

Are You Eating Too Much of a Good Thing?

Raise your smoothie if this sounds familiar: Picking at that plate of dates with nut butter because they happen to be there. Cleaning up you quinoa dinner bowl, not because you’re still hungry but because... Read more