Lisa Clark
Lisa Clark, ERYT500
Lisa Clark, brings 40 years of study, personal practice, teaching and living yoga to her classes, workshops and teacher trainings. A master teacher, she has spent a lifetime merging enigmatic yogas with current up-to-date somatic experience and exploring how the body-mind expresses itself. Lisa, ERYT500 with Yoga Alliance and a registered International Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist, is a certified Teacher/Practitioner of Body Mind Centering®. Lisa is Program and Education Director of the School For Body-Mind Centering® Yoga Immersion Series. She is one of the leading innovators of the integration of Yoga and Body-Mind Centering®, actively engaged in the training, teaching, and development of this form over 35 years.
Yoga has been Lisa’s passionate love for over 40 years, she is a life long student of Vastu Shastra, Tantric and Yogic philosophy. Lisa’s approach offers a rich lifetime perspective and broad understanding of the field of yoga, somatics, and embodiment, as an expression and pathway for the cultivation and ongoing evolution of body, mind and spirit.