
Error message

  • Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 5 of 154 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1202 of /home/dh_6hcdc2/yogau.online/docroot/includes/bootstrap.inc).
  • The file could not be created.
  • The file could not be created.

Melissa Weber


I work to encourage people that their body is more than their structure, often the opposite of what they hear from their MDs. There are many ways to move the body that will decrease pain and improve health. Yoga is the main way this can be done.

Yoga Style


Theraputic Focus

Yoga for Chronic Pain


I am a physical therapist as well as a yoga teacher (RYT200). I am currently developing a Christian yoga class. I have seen the effects of a holistic approach to exercise and therapy. We are body mind and spirit and this needs to be addressed for healing to occur.

176 N. Encinitas Ave
Monrovia, CA 91016
United States