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Zen Meditation Harmony, Spa Lifestyle, balanced stack of stones with aromatic candles on wooden whit

The 4 Laws of Simplicity

Leo Babauta
November 15, 2022

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. ~ Leonardo da Vinci

The problem with many books and guides on simplifying your clutter, your work life, your desk, and your life is that they are usually too darn complicated. We need a simple method of simplifying.

It’s been nearly a decade since I first started trying to simplify my life, and in those years, I’ve struggled with clutter, I’ve had surges and ebbs of complications and simplicity, and I’ve tried dozens of methods of simplifying from as many sources. It’s been an interesting journey, although not one that I can recommend to everyone. If you’re looking to simplify a particular aspect of your life, you don’t want to go through that kind of confusion.

Own less live more text on wooden signpost outdoors in the rain.4 Laws of Simplicity

I’ve boiled it down to a simple method of 4 Laws of Simplicity (apologies to John Maeda) that you can use in any area of your life, and in fact, on your life as a whole:

1. Collect everything in one place.

2. Choose the essential.

3. Eliminate the rest.

4. Organize the remaining stuff neatly and nicely.


Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. – Confucius

How to Declutter a Drawer Using the 4 Laws of SimplicityWoman neatly sorting in drawer organizers on white marble background. Closet tidying and simplifying concept.

To illustrate, let’s take a quick look at how to declutter a drawer. Let’s say this is the worst junk drawer in your home—it has take-out menus from restaurants that closed down a dozen years ago, manuals for computers that used DOS as their primary OS, tools that you have no idea how to use, more rubber bands, paper clips, and chopsticks than you can ever use, mementos from your unfortunate foray into rubber stamp hobby, souvenirs from that Mexico City trip you’d rather forget about, not to mention a funky smell that reminds you of gym class.

You could spend all day sorting through such a mess and still have a mess. (Or, more likely, you’ll close the drawer and forget about it.)

But let’s see how the 4-step method would be applied to our drawer:

1. Collect. Take out everything and put it in a pile. Empty the entire drawer, and pile it all on a counter or a table. Take everything out, down to the last paper clip.

2. Choose. Pick out only a few things you love and use and that are important to you. Just sort through the pile, picking out the really essential stuff. Be very selective. Put the important stuff you pick out into a separate, smaller pile.

3. Eliminate. Toss the rest out. You know you’ll never need those manuals again. Don’t be sentimental with this step. Either throw everything into a big trash bag or find a new home for some of the items if you think someone might have a use for them. Donate them to charity or give them to a friend who would love them. And yes, you have to toss out all the chopsticks.

4. Organize. Put back the essential things neatly, with space around things. Clean the drawer out first, of course, and put the very small pile of things you chose back in the drawer. Group like things together and leave space around the groups. Having space around things makes everything look neater and simpler.
That’s it. You now have a very nice, simplified junk drawer with (let’s hope) a much less funky smell.

Apply the 4 Laws of Simplicity to the Rest of Your Life

This simple method can be applied to every area of your life. I suggest focusing on one area at a time, applying the method, and then moving to the next area. So, if you just wanted to simplify a couple of areas of your life, you could focus on one per week, but if you wanted to simplify your entire life, I’d do one area every couple of days until you’re done.
Here are some examples of how you could apply the above method to other areas of your life:

Simplify Your Closets 

Focus on one area of the closet at a time—a shelf at a time, for instance. Take everything off the shelf and put it in a pile on the floor. Pick out only the really important stuff that you love and use. Put the rest in a box to donate. Put the important stuff back on the shelf, grouping like things together and leaving space around the groups. You could use containers for groups of things, using clear containers and labeling them. Or just leave the shelves fairly empty, and get rid of most of your stuff. Move on to the next area. My suggestion is to leave the floor of your closet clear. It makes it look much nicer and simpler.

Desk SimplicityImage depicts the serenity and simplicity of a clean, clutter-free desk.

Clear everything off the surface of your desk (except, perhaps, your computer and phone). For the surface of the desk, I would suggest only putting your inbox and a nice photo or two and nothing else. Put supplies in a drawer, and file the papers. Toss out the rest. Then do the drawers of your desk the same way, one at a time, leaving space in each drawer. It’s so much more relaxing to work in a simplified environment. After you’re done with the desk, do your walls.

Declutter Your Work Tasks 

Have a long to-do list (or a bunch of long context lists)? Spend a little time adding every task or project you can think of to your lists until it’s as complete as you can. GTD’s (David Allen’s Getting Things Done® Methodology) brain dump works for this. Then choose only the tasks you really want to do, or that will give you the absolute most long-term benefit, and put those on a shorter list. The rest of the stuff? See if you can eliminate them, delegate them, or at least put them on a someday/maybe list to be considered later. Then only focus on your shortlist, trying to choose the three most important things on the list to do each day.

Simplify Your Commitments Young sporty fit woman doing yoga - meditating and relaxing in Padmasana (Lotus Pose) with Chin Mudra outdoors at tropical beach on sunset

Make a list of all your commitments in your life, from work to personal. Include hobbies, clubs, online groups, civic groups, your kids’ activities, sports, home stuff, etc. Anything that regularly takes up your time. Now pick out the few of those that really give you value, enjoyment, and long-term benefits. Toss the rest, if possible. It might be difficult to do that, but you can get out of commitments if you just tell people that you don’t have the time anymore. This will leave you with a life with only the commitments you enjoy and want to make. Leave space around them instead of filling up your life.

Wardrobe Simplicity

Do you really need 40 T-shirts? Or 40 pairs of shoes? How many pairs of jeans do you actually wear? One drawer or section of your closet at a time, put everything on your bed in a pile, choose the clothes you really love and actually wear on a regular basis, donate the rest, and put the ones you love back in your drawers or closet. Leave space around the clothes. Don’t stuff your drawers full.

Declutter Your Rooms

Start with the furniture if you’d like to simplify your cluttered rooms. Which ones do you love and use? Get rid of the rest. Now clear every flat surface in the room, from counters to tables to shelves to desktops. Choose the stuff you love, and get rid of the rest. Leave the flat surfaces as clear as possible, only putting back a few choice objects. Now do the drawers and cabinets the same way. Also, do everything on your floor that’s not a piece of furniture, leaving the floor as clear as humanly possible.

Email Simplicity

Have an email inbox full of clutter? Dump all your emails in your inbox into a folder. Scan through the folder, choosing only a few to reply to and putting those in a separate folder. Delete or archive the rest.

As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness. ~ Henry David Thoreau


Julie Gudmestad, Yoga teacher, Yoga therapist,  Yoga and Anatomy, Yoga for healthy feet and ankles


Reprinted with permission from Leo Babauta/Zen Habits.

Zen Habits is about finding simplicity and mindfulness in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, and find happiness. It has over a million readers. My name is Leo Babauta.  I live in Northern California with my wife and our two teenage kids (we have 4 adult kids, for a total of six!), where I eat vegan food, write, run, and read.