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Free Download! Yoga 2.0 for Midlife Empowerment: Your Top 3 Keys to Fostering Healthy Aging

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Dr Ginger Garner

Dr. Ginger Garner PT, DPT, ATC/L is an active clinician, author, teacher, and longtime advocate for improving access to physical therapy services. She is the founder and CEO of Living Well Institute, where she has been certifying therapists and doctors in Medical Therapeutic Yoga & Integrative...

How can we build a sustainable yoga practice that will serve our needs throughout life?

With the focus in many yoga classes increasingly on fast-paced Vinyasa practices, how do we make yoga our own, and build a Yoga 2.0 practice, i.e. yoga for the second part of our life?

And, which are the specific things we need to integrate into our practice to ensure that a sustainable yoga practice at the same time becomes deeper and more rewarding?

Dr. Garner is one of the most well-rounded professionals in the yoga community today. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy specializing in the therapeutic applications of yoga for the aging body, she offers a unique integration of the ancient yogic wisdom with cutting-edge Western science on how to sustain health and wellness over a lifetime.

In this free download, Dr. Garner goes into the following topics:

  • Why is yoga one of the prime techniques we can use to lay the foundation for enhancing health and wellness as we get older?

  • What does Yoga 2.0 - yoga for the second part of life look like?

  • Which is the #1 pose group that you should avoid unless you've learned to practice it safely?

  • Which are the top 3 features you can integrate into your yoga practice to make sure that your practice gets deeper - and more rewarding over time?

Click "Enroll Now" to Download!

You may also be interested in Ginger Garner's upcoming course: 

Yoga 2.0 for Midlife Empowerment - Fostering Mind-Body Wellness for Life