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Free Download! How Stress Can Make It Harder to Conceive — And How Yoga Can Help

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Katlin Robinson

Katlin Robinson is a C-IAYT certified Yoga Therapist, ERYT200 / RYT500 Yoga Teacher, and has practiced yoga and mindfulness techniques for almost 20 years. She specializes in yoga for mental health and women’s wellness, including teenage anxiety, fertility, mother care, perimenopause, and beyond....

Little can compare to the excitement you feel when you decide it’s time to start a family. The thought of welcoming a new little soul into this world becomes a constant source of quiet anticipation and happiness that brings a new tone of elation to all your experiences.

This was how Katlin Robinson, a yoga teacher in London, Ontario, felt some years back when she decided she was ready to have a child. 

Each month began full of hope and expectations – would this be the month? 

But alas, invariably, it would end with disappointment when her next monthly cycle rolled around, and she learned that once again, she was not pregnant.

This went on month after month, year after year.

After four long years of trying to conceive, Katlin began to slowly come to terms with the heartbreaking fact that she was struggling with infertility and might never be able to get pregnant.  

“There was about a one in a million chance that we would get pregnant naturally,” Katlin says. 

But then, out of the blue,  it happened, and Katlin credits her yoga practice with the unprecedented turnaround.

In this free download, she tells the story of her struggles with infertility and how yoga helped.

Katlin was among the more than one in ten women aged 15 to 44, who have trouble getting or staying pregnant. Like for most women, infertility was a major life stressor for Katlin – and one she feared she was navigating alone. Family members and friends with kids couldn’t relate to the traumatic loss she felt or the stressful complexity of exploring options for a medically assisted pregnancy and adoption.

And although Katlin was a yoga teacher, grief prevented her from getting on the mat.

“There was so much grief and so much depression that I had been practicing yoga, but I really kind of let it go,” Katlin recalls.

But eventually, Katlin did return to her yoga mat, where she finally began to let go of four years of pressure she had placed on herself to live up to societal expectations to become a mother. 

And not long after she did, something incredible happened. She discovered that she was pregnant – without medical intervention.

Like Katlin, people who struggle with infertility often experience an immeasurable sense of loss when they learn that the odds are stacked against them in their ability to conceive. According to a study by Harvard Medical School, infertility can be as traumatic as being diagnosed with chronic, life-threatening conditions like cancer or HIV/AIDS.

But thankfully, yoga can help to alleviate the burden of stress associated with infertility while cultivating a supportive community of individuals undergoing the same life challenges.

In this talk, Katlin talks about her journey and the important things she learned throughout about how yoga can help.


To hear the full talk, click "Enroll Now" to Download!


You may also be interested in Katlin Robinson's upcoming course: Yoga for Fertility: How Yoga Can Help Prepare Your Body for Conceiving.