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Journey Into Maturity: Yoga for the Wisdom Phase of Your Life

Course Info

Class Length:
Two One Hour Sessions Plus Yoga Practice Video
All Levels
Enroll Now

Surya Little

Surya Little Surya Little’s path includes parallel studies in yoga and nutrition. In 1987, she began her spiritual healing while living in Brienz, Switzerland at the Hairakhandi Babaji Ashram. Surya traveled to the foothills of the Himalayas of North India to practice bhakti and karma yoga within the community...
yoga for menopausal years

A woman's body is unique. It is marked by transitions through puberty, the fertile years, and finally perimenopause and menopause – the "wisdom phase" of our lives.

The journey through menopause is a powerful, and often intense time. It is a time that invites us to deepen our connection with the body and experience new facets of our innate female wisdom power. For many women, this powerful transition can also be a time of upheaval, as the spirit prompts us to revisit old structures that no longer serve us, as we deepen into wisdom and maturity.

How can our yoga practice support positive transformation through these natural phases of life? How can we modify our practice to be in accord with the changes our body undergoes as we go through perimenopause, menopause, and beyond?

In this 3-part online course (two lectures and yoga practice), Surya Little, co-director with her husband Tias Little of Prajna Yoga, explores how we can use our yoga practice to support and nourish the body, and smoothen the transition into the menopausal years. Surya looks at ways to honor the innate female wisdom of our body by practicing intelligently and with intention. She will discuss the ways in which specific sequences of poses can facilitate ease and give energy (shakti) during this important change in a woman’s life.

This course invites women to deepen their connection to the essential bio-rhythms unique to a woman, and lays the groundwork for turning inward in order to attune to our body’s needs and to nourish the spirit. By taking time inwardly, we can bring greater sensitivity and balance to the physiological changes that occur within, and learn how to unlock the spirit, while building greater resilience and fortitude.

What You Will Learn

  • How to connect on a deeper level to your body during this important time

  • Yoga techniques to facilitate bodily changes and ease menopausal symptoms

  • Key nutritional practices that support and nourish your body’s transition

  • How to more consciously align with your body’s changing rhythms and experience new facets of your innate female power. 

This Premium Course Also Includes These Bonuses!

  • Yoga Practice Video: Enjoy a yoga practice video that Surya has created specifically for this course which focuses on a more earth-centered practice. The emphasis is on increasing energy in our bodies through the legs, increasing circulation to support the upper body and then moving through some seated forward bends for tonification and inversions to help support the endocrine system.

  • Recordings of Both Sessions: Yours to keep. It’s generally acknowledged that many people only retain 10-20 percent of what they learn in a workshop. You will get the recordings of both sessions (both MP3 and MP4), enabling you to go back and listen to the workshop as many times as you like.

  • Transcripts of Both Sessions: Ever wanted to refer to a certain part of a course? Even the best note takers miss a point every so often. With the transcripts of the sessions, you can go back and refer to particularly important passages or clarify sections you were in doubt about. 


This course qualifies for 3 non-contact hour CEs with Yoga Alliance.