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Spiritual Speech: The Power of Language in Relationships

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Judith Hanson Lasater

Judith Hanson Lasater The practice of yoga is fundamentally an act of kindness toward oneself. This idea is often forgotten, but not by Judith, whose approach is warm, non-judgmental and responsive to individual differences and needs. Judith Lasater has taught yoga since 1971. She holds a doctorate in East-West...

What you say next can change your relationships with self and others, and even the world.

This 4-part audio download series is based on the model of Non-Violent Communication created by Marshall Rosenberg. Judith Hanson Lasater teaches this model using lots of examples of how to do so with family and yoga students. You will learn how to recognize when you and others are communicating in a non-productive manner and the processes you can personally use to recognize what you are doing and how to change your patterns. Judith even requests that you do a little "homework" between sessions to help you begin to implement the powerful practice of Spiritual Speech into your life.

Text for the classes: Speak Peace in a World of Conflict by Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D, available from www.cnvc.org and through www.amazon.com