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Rest and Silence: Practicing from Stillness, Spaciousness and Ease

Course Info

Class Length:
Two One Hour Sessions Plus Yoga Practice Video
All Levels
Enroll Now

Judith Hanson Lasater

Judith Hanson Lasater The practice of yoga is fundamentally an act of kindness toward oneself. This idea is often forgotten, but not by Judith, whose approach is warm, non-judgmental and responsive to individual differences and needs. Judith Lasater has taught yoga since 1971. She holds a doctorate in East-West...

One of the greatest lacks in our life is, paradoxically, “nothing.” We rarely take time to just be, to rest, to just feel silence, to hear our heart’s deepest longing. We are just too busy, too occupied, too distracted, too over-scheduled.

We try so many strategies: new calendars, to-do lists, New Year’s resolutions, and endless promises to ourselves to do less. But we don’t.

In this online course, Judith Hanson Lasater draws on yoga philosophy to explore how we can deepen our practice to add more silence. We will explore how we avoid deep rest and silence, what we are resisting and why, and how we can move past our addiction to constantly doing more and more, to finally arrive at our own safe port.

The balance between rest and activity has an immense impact on both our short-term well-being and our long-term health. Judith will show how to step back and look at the unconscious choices that keep us trapped in an overscheduled lifestyle, and how we can counteract this by inviting more silence into our yoga practice

She also shares insights from yoga philosophy into what it means to practice from stillness, spaciousness and ease and will share techniques to settle mind and body more profoundly during practice.

This Premium Course Also Includes These Bonuses!

Judith Hanson Lasater and Lizzie Lasater - YogaUOnlineRestorative Yoga Practice with Judith and her daughter Lizzie Lasater on Finding Space and Silence: This practice has been designed to bring you into a state of greater stillness and presence, and to develop freedom from your thoughts: the ability to notice your thoughts without feeling agitation.

Restorative Yoga Practice on Finding the Power of Savasana.

Recordings of Both Sessions: Yours to keep. It’s generally acknowledged that many people only retain 10-20 percent of what they learn in a workshop. You will get the recordings of both sessions (MP3 & MP4), enabling you to go back and listen to the workshop as many times as you like.

Transcripts of Both Sessions: Ever wanted to refer to a certain part of a course? Even the best note takers miss a point every so often. With the transcripts of the sessions, you can go back and refer to particularly important passages or clarify sections you were in doubt about. 


This course qualifies for 3 non-contact hour CEs with Yoga Alliance.