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Standing on Your Own Two Feet: Foundations of Healthy Feet

Course Info

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Leila Stuart

Leila Stuart, BA, LLB, RMT (Registered Massage Therapist - retired), has been a dedicated and ever-evolving student of yoga for over 40 years, and has been teaching yoga since 1993. Drawing on her passion for anatomy and her background as a massage therapist specializing in structural alignment and...

The foot and ankle are designed to receive the entire weight of the upper body as it sequences into the ground. Together, they mediate the counterthrust of gravity in its quest to uplift the human structure.

The foot is the interface between the body above and the ground below. The way the feet receive and transmit weight and force influences alignment and structural integrity in the rest of the body. The Celestial Design Committee designed the body so the center of all the joints of the lower limb directly line up with the pull of gravity. Even a small deviation off the axis can result in imbalanced muscular development in the legs and torso, altering movement patterns and increasing chance of injury.

A sound foundation combines alignment, stability and flexibility. From a koshic perspective, the quality of the physical foundation affects the other koshas. Breath may be affected when upper body muscles tense to compensate for the lack of support from below. Feelings of safety, support, grounding and balance may be difficult to access when the foundation of the feet is unsteady.

 In this course you will learn:

  • Experiential anatomy practices for the feet can help you to stand on your own two feet, physically and metaphorically. 

  • Experiential anatomy practices to increase awareness and functional understanding of the foot and ankle.

  • Safe tracking of movement by understanding the way body weight is transferred through the bones and joints of the ankle and foot.

  • Efficient alignment and movement of the foot in standing, walking and Asana.

  • How to awaken the sensory function of the feet.

  • The relationship between the feet, pelvis and myofascial lines.

  • The connection between the feet and your perception and experience of the world.

This Premium Course Also Includes These Bonuses!

  • Yoga Practice Videos: Enjoy a yoga practice video created for this course.

  • Recordings of Both Sessions: It’s generally acknowledged that many people only retain 10-20 percent of what they learn in a workshop. You will get access to the recordings of all webinar sessions - both MP3 (downloadable) and MP4 (streaming online), enabling you to go back and listen to the workshop as many times as you like.

  • Transcripts of Both Sessions: Ever wanted to refer to a certain part of a course? Even the best note takers miss a point every so often. With the transcripts of the webinar sessions, you can go back and refer to particularly important passages or clarify sections you were in doubt about.

This course qualifies for 3 non-contact hour CEs with Yoga Alliance.