Carol Krucoff and Kimberly Carson

Carol Krucoff, C-IAYT, E-RYT, is a yoga therapist at Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina, where she offers individual sessions and classes for people with health challenges and co-directs the Integrative Yoga for Seniors Professional Training.
Certified as a yoga therapist by the International Association of Yoga Therapy, Carol is also an award-winning health journalist, who served as founding editor of The Washington Post’s Health Section and has written for numerous national publications. She is author of several books including Yoga Sparks: 108 Easy Practices for Stress Relief in a Minute or Less, Healing Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain, and is co-author with her Duke cardiologist husband, Mitchell Krucoff, MD, of Healing Moves: How to Cure, Relieve and Prevent Common Ailments with Exercise.
A graduate of Esther Myers’ Yoga Teacher Training and Nischala Devi’s Yoga of the Heart Cardiac & Cancer Teacher Training, Carol has been practicing yoga for more than 40 years and serves on the peer review board for the International Journal of Yoga Therapy. As a second-degree black belt in karate and Sensei, she taught martial arts for four years. For more information, please visit her website: Carol is co-director, with Kimberly Carson, of Yoga for Seniors, which offers trainings designed to help yoga instructors work safely and effectively with older adults. Carol and Kimberly are co-authors of a DVD and book Relax Into Yoga for Seniors: A Six-Week Program for Strength, Balance, Flexibility and Pain Relief. For information, please visit
Kimberly Carson, MPH, C-IAYT, is a health educator and yoga therapist at Oregon Health & Science University, specializing in the therapeutic use of mindfulness and yoga for seniors and people with medical challenges. Kimberly has taught Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for close to 20 years. She currently offers mindfulness classes to cardiac, oncology, chronic pain, and internal medicine patients. Kimberly is the Program Coordinator of Integrative Medicine at OHSUs Knight Cancer Institute and is the Director of Holistic Services at the Bensimon Center for Plastic Surgery. Kimberly has developed and taught yoga programs being researched at Duke University Medical Center and OHSU. The Mindful Yoga Program, developed by Kimberly and her husband Jim, has been shown in research trials to significantly reduce pain and fatigue in women with metastatic breast cancer, breast cancer survivors, as well as women with fibromyalgia. Kimberly is currently serving on three large National Institutes of Health (NIH) clinical research trials evaluating yoga and mindfulness interventions in patients with opioid-dependency and chronic pain, metastatic breast cancer, and MS and is the co-author over 30 peer-reviewed articles. For more than a decade, she has co-directed national professional trainings for yoga teachers and allied health professionals at OHSU and Duke Integrative Medicine. For more information, please visit her website: