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- Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 5 of 154 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1202 of /home/dh_6hcdc2/
- The file could not be created.
- The file could not be created.
Fearless Upside Down – Demystifying Headstand (Sirsasana)
Natasha Rizopoulos
Often described as the King and the Queen of the Asana, for many students Headstand and Shoulderstand instead end up being the proverbial pain in the neck. With both poses it's a combination of openness and strength in the upper body that protect the vunerable neck, and allow one to experience the delights of inversion. In these illuminating practices, you'll discover how thoughtful presentation and a clean foundation can enable you to start building an inversions practice with clarity and confidence. This class focuses specifically on Sirsasana: Headstand.