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- Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 5 of 154 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1202 of /home/dh_6hcdc2/
- The file could not be created.
- The file could not be created.
Sun Salutations: Empowered Foundation - Beginners Series Practice Video #4
Deborah Marcia Rubin
What a luscious, simple way to feel strong, agile, energized, and centered. These breath-centred movements are a foundation series and a more challenging whole-body workout. Plank and Cobra are two more postures added to create a series of 12 movements which further develop core, arm, shoulder, back, and leg strength and flexibility, while increasing mobility to your spine and all your joints. The perfect series to start your day feeling receptive, strong, revitalized, calm, and empowered.