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5 Ways to Practice Downward Facing Dog for Beginners

Leah Sugerman, E-RYT 500, YACEP
How to practice Downward Facing Dog with support from blocks under your hands

Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is one of the most fundamental and ubiquitous poses in the yogic repertoire. But it’s also an incredibly challenging posture to practice and sustain. Many beginners struggle to manage in this weight-bearing position without the adequate conditioning to support it. Luckily, though, there are many modifications of Downward Facing Dog for beginners. 

runner doing yoga stretch arms overhead

4 Ways Yoga Can Benefit Runners

If you ask most runners what the most important part of their training routine is, without a doubt, they will say that the miles are what matter. Given the option of running for 30 minutes straight, or doing... Read more

Judith Hanson Lasater: 5 Tips for Developing a Regular Home Yoga Practice

We recently sat down with Judith Hansen Lasater who shared some powerful insights with us about why it’s hard for so many of us to maintain a consistent home yoga practice. Judith shared that she doesn’t... Read more
Refining triangle yoga pose (Trikonasana)

Refining Triangle Pose: The 3 Primary Triangles in Trikonasana

You could explore Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) for a lifetime and still continue to feel new sensations. Each time you practice, you can create profound awareness in both your body and breath. An aspect of... Read more
Older women in meditation pose

Keys to Making Your Yoga Practice a Lifelong Partner

My lifelong yoga practice began in 1982. I was, of course, much younger then. I don’t know that it ever crossed my mind that I might someday enter my 50s or even my 60s. But once I began practicing asana, from... Read more
Julie Gudmestad practicing hip-opening yoga

Safe Hip Opening for Everyone

Hip openers are a powerful group of poses, but not easily accessible to everyone. In this month's YogaU Practice Series, join renowned yoga teachers Julie Gudmestad, Doug Keller, and Natasha Rizopoulos as they... Read more
A woman in Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana), healthy alignment

Keys to Healthy Alignment in Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) and Upward Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

The dog poses, Downward-Facing Dog ( Adho Mukha Svanasana ) and Upward-Facing Dog ( Urdvha Mukha Svanasana ), are among the most commonly practiced postures in yoga classes. For some people, they are freeing... Read more

Aqua Yoga: For an Accessible Yoga Practice, Just Add Water

The mechanics of maintaining good posture and moving energy in our aging bodies can prove taxing at times. With our senior population expanding, maybe it’s time to look at alternative ways or places to... Read more

The Sixth Limb of Yoga: Dharana

Have you ever been so fully focused on what you were doing that the rest of the world seemed to fall away? It might have happened when you were engrossed in a page-turner, playing your favorite instrument,... Read more
diagram of pelvic pain (pain in the butt) and yoga moves you can do to stretch the area

3 Types of Pain in the Butt (and What You Can Do About Them)

Having a literal pain in the butt is not a fun experience; it can make walking, sitting and sleeping difficult and uncomfortable. It is certainly something that one would want gone as soon as possible, yet... Read more

Yoga for the Wrists: How to Protect Your Wrists in Yoga Practice

One of the most common complaints for beginning yoga students is that their wrists hurt when doing yoga. And no wonder: The wrist is one of the most delicate joints in the body. I remind my yoga students at... Read more