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How Mindfulness Can Boost Your New Year’s Resolve

Charlotte Bell
Older woman practicing meditation outdoors.

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? How do they usually pan out for you?

The new year seems like a good time to start with a clean slate. Resolving to change habits that no longer serve and develop newer, healthier habits is a worthy practice. But most of us have found out through experience that it’s not always as easy as we think it should be.

Teaching yoga

Teaching Yoga: The Wisdom of Not Knowing

This morning a student asked me what should have been a simple question: What should I be feeling in this position? A minute or so later, I’d given her the best non-answer I could. Why a non-answer? First, I’m... Read more

That’s My Spot! Non-attachment on the Yoga Mat

Last week a new student came into class and began arranging her mat and props on the floor in a somewhat tentative manner. This class is ongoing and most of the attendees are regulars. Although the atmosphere... Read more
Anjali Mudra

Anjali Mudra - Simple Greeting or Divine Salute?

Few positions are more ubiquitous in yoga practice than Anjali Mudra (Prayer Position). We often practice Anjali Mudra to begin and end a class. We begin and end Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) in Anjali Mudra... Read more

The Power of Simple: Why I Teach Old-School Yoga

My History of Teaching Yoga I began practicing yoga in 1982 at a modest studio behind the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas. The teacher was June Bains, a trim, 60-something woman whose studio space had pink, plush... Read more
A person sitting in Lotus Pose (Padmasana) outside in the sunlight

The Subtle Body Part 2-Reclaiming the Tantric Chakras

The medieval tantrics had some substantially different ideas about the chakra system than those that are currently popular in the West today. This is partly because much of today’s perspective was largely... Read more
A drawing of a flower representing the subtle body that we connect to in yoga

The Subtle Body Part 1-Uprooting How We Think About Chakras

A couple of years ago, while browsing in Barnes and Noble with my son, I noticed a table piled with exotic book-shaped boxes. A sign read: “Chakra balancing kits, $12.99.” The kits contained essential oils,... Read more

How to Practice Ahimsa on the Mat

Most who practice yoga these days have at least heard of the word ahimsa . We might even have read some of the in-depth literature on it, or practiced incorporating the idea of ahimsa—non-harming—into our... Read more

Yoga Teaching: The Wisdom of Not Knowing

This morning a student asked me what should have been a simple question: What should I be feeling in this position? A minute or so later, I’d given her the best non-answer I could. Why a non-answer? First, I’m... Read more

Ayurvedic Tacos for Spring

An Ayurvedic diet takes into account the qualities of the season to optimize health benefits. A cool and damp spring is heavy, slows you down a bit, and can make you feel sad. Your digestion may be sluggish,... Read more

Yoga for the Bendy—Learning to Back Off

My earliest recollection of being an über-bendy person is from when I took ballet lessons. I was about eight years old. The first time we went into side splits and bent forward, I was surprised to see that no... Read more