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Recovering From Breast Cancer: A Gentle Sequence

Beverly Davis-Baird MA, C-IAYT
image depicts restorative healing and gentle prayer.

One of the most common side effects of undergoing cancer treatment is fatigue. Treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy can sap your energy. Similarly, the emotional upheaval of being diagnosed with cancer and receiving treatment can be draining. Patients often struggle with feelings of anxiety, anger, fear, and depression. Tailoring your yoga practice to accommodate your energy level during breast cancer recovery is a form of self-care during this challenging time. 

Senior man practicing yoga outside looking tranquil in namaste pose

Book Review: Timothy McCall's Saving My Neck: A Doctor's East/West Journey Through Cancer

There is much talk these days of integrative medicine , complementary approaches to disease, and allopathic vs. “alternative” medicine. As both a board-certified medical doctor and yoga therapist, Timothy... Read more
restorative yoga, modified reclined bound angle pose, Supta Baddha Konasana to relax

Cancer and Stress: A Healing Yoga Practice to Calm Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common side effects along the entire spectrum of the cancer journey. Nearly all patients will experience anxiety at one point or another, including after receiving a diagnosis,... Read more
woman practicing yoga for cancer to help alleviate lymphedema

Yoga and Cancer: A Sequence to Help Alleviate Lymphedema

One of the most distressing side effects of cancer treatment is lymphedema, a swelling of the extremities caused by damage to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is part of the immune system and... Read more

New Light on Cancer: Do Changes in the Fascia Play a Role?

There are an estimated 14.5 million people living with cancer in the U.S. with 40% using some form of complementary approach to manage symptoms or improve their quality of life during and after cancer... Read more

Finding Equanimity and Grace: A Meditation on Breast Cancer

Why Practice Mindfulness? Last July, I had the good fortune to sit an 18-day meditation retreat at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Marin County, California. After 28 years of attending Vipassana retreats I’m... Read more

Navigating Cancer Treatment: How Yoga Can Help

While most of us have been touched by breast cancer in some way—from our own experience or that of family members and friends—we aren’t necessarily aware of strategies for early detection and for supporting... Read more

Vagus Nerve Activity May Impact Cancer Prognosis

What gives people greater resilience in the face of life-threatening illness like cancer? Researchers now believe that vagal nerve activity may contribute to enhanced health and longer life expectancy for... Read more
Yoga for Cancer

Pranayama and Cancer

As one of the steps on Patanjali’s eight-step path of yoga, pranayama has been practiced by yogis for thousands of years as a way to quiet the mind and tap into the subtle, energetic realms of the body. Prana... Read more
Yoga for Cancer

Five Ways Yoga Can Reduce Your Cancer Risk

“You have cancer.” About half of all men and one-third of all women in the United States will hear those words in their lifetime. That’s 40 percent of us. We each hope it’s not us, but hope is not a plan. And... Read more
Woman practicing yoga meditation for cancer recovery benefits

Yoga and Healing After Cancer - Interview with Tari Prinster

In the movie “Yoga Woman,” Tari Prinster tells the moving story about her struggle with cancer and how yoga helped her heal and recover after the treatment. Tari has since become a leading force in teaching... Read more