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3 Ways to Counteract Text Neck with Yoga

Beverly Davis-Baird MA, C-IAYT
This supported yoga backbend is a great pose for countering the negative effects of text neck.

You may already know how cell phones affect your posture, causing pain—a phenomenon called “text neck.” But did you know that cell phone usage can also change our anatomy? USA Today reported on an Australian study in which researchers examined hundreds of X-rays of adults ages 18 to 30. They observed that about half had bone growths at the back of their heads that resembled “horns.” The researchers attributed the growths to excessive rounding of the upper back that typically occurs with cell phone usage.

Diverse people stretching their knees and practicing balance in yoga class.

Manage Chronic Pain with Physiyoga

The human experience of chronic pain and illness is non-binary. There is no clean drawing of lines. It doesn’t fit into a neat box of research and evidence. Nor does it fit into a fixed protocol or set of... Read more
Side view of a young woman doing pranayama with her eyes closed. The concept of meditation.

Unlock Your Body: Release Chronic Tightness

Many people ask me how long it will take them to release chronic tightness or get out of pain. I wish I could answer this question, but the truth is that everyone’s patterns of muscular tension and pain are... Read more
Elderly woman practicing yoga asana for legs and arms and hands at home on a mat

Chronic Pain? Try Isometric Contraction

In the past few years, more research has gone into the study of isometric muscle contraction and its relationship to pain relief. If that sentence made you say, “Huh?” Let´s back up and review. 3 Types of... Read more
woman practicing yoga corocodile pose

When Savasana Doesn't Feel Relaxing: Three Trauma-Informed Alternatives

Savasana—so many yoga practitioners absolutely love it, and if anything, want it to be longer. There are even t-shirts saying, “I'm only here for Savasana.” Yet this final resting pose, nearly universal in... Read more
Woman practicing yoga wrist stretch.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Yoga Sequence to Soothe Sore Wrists

There might not be any body parts that we consciously use more than the hands, wrists, and arms. That can make Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)—to put it bluntly—a real drag. In short, CTS causes pain, numbness,... Read more
Man practicing yoga forward bend - janu sirsasana.

Chronic Pain Relief: How Your Brain Processes Pain and How Yoga and Movement Can Help

When you sense and feel your body, you are better able to take care of yourself. It sounds simple, right? We are more likely to recognize if we feel hungry, thirsty, need to go to the bathroom, or need to rest... Read more
Woman practicing yoga for pain care Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)

Book Review: Yoga and Science in Pain Care

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 20 percent of American adults are living with chronic pain, defined as experiencing pain most or every day for a minimum of six months. While the... Read more
woman stretching her neck

Upper Trapezius Love: Self-Care for That Cranky, Hard-to-Reach Spot

In our tech-ready, chair-heavy modern world, the neck and upper back are a tension dumping ground for the majority of people. However, one of the most common areas of complaint lives directly under the... Read more
Yoga woman chest shoulders Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

Chest and Shoulder Relief: Yoga for Your “Computer Body”

Do you ever find yourself hunched over your keyboard, shoulders up around your ears and a dull ache taking hold in your upper back? Yeah, me too. That’s why this simple chest opening is one of my favorite five... Read more
Woman practicing yoga quadriceps Low Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana)

How Your Quadriceps Can Cause Pain: 3 Yoga Poses That Can Help

The quadriceps muscle group is a group of four muscles on the front side of the legs. These include the vastus lateralis, the vastus medialis, the vastus intermedius, and the rectus femoris. The name “... Read more