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Yoga wellness tips yoga and meditation reduce chronic pain

A new study lends further evidence to previous research showing that yoga and meditation can benefit patients with chronic pain. A program including yoga stretching and strengthening exercises significantly reduced chronic pain from lumbar herniated discs. This supports earlier findings that yoga and meditation lead to a significant improvement in pain, mood and functional capacity in people suffering from chronic pain.

yoga postures yoga therapy

Should Yoga Postures Take a Backseat in Yoga Therapy? A New Research Paper Tackles a Bold, But Controversial Question

A new critical review of yoga therapy in health care calls for eliminating postures and using reductionist research methods. Is it missing the mark? Read more
yoga and breathing

Yoga and Breathing: Study Shows Alternate Nostril Breathing Reduces Blood Pressure and Improves Performance

Nadi Shodhana , or alternate nostril breathing, is a simple pranayama technique that can have powerful effects on the nervous system, helping calm the mind, reduce stress and improve focus. All day long we... Read more

Yoga Improves Mental Function in Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Emerging research suggests that a manual-based yoga program may improve memory, executive function, mood, and resilience in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Read more

Researchers Uncover Key to Keeping Seniors Healthy

Looking at multiple studies, researchers found a key factor in determining our health as we age. Coupling this factor with regular exercise, such as daily walks or participation in yoga classes, offers a... Read more

Yoga and Meditation Keep Your Brain Sharp and Resilient New Study Shows

Can yoga and meditation can help stave off cognitive decline and increase our brain’s efficiency and resilience? This appears to be the implications from a study recently published in Frontiers in Aging... Read more
yoga study

What Makes a Good Yoga Study? Some of the Basics

People often ask me what makes a good yoga study. The short answer is, it’s complicated. If good yoga research were simple, we’d all be doing it. Here are the fundamentals that all yoga teachers, students and... Read more

Is Yoga Good for Cardiovascular Health? New Study Says Yes

Dedicated yoga practitioners often wonder whether their practice is sufficient in itself for maintaining cardiovascular health. A review of multiple studies recently published by the European Journal of Preventative Cardiolog y offers some of the strongest evidence so far that yoga as a stand-alone practice may indeed be effective therapy for cardiovascular health. Read more

Yoga and Meditation Can Change Your Brain New Research Suggests

Can yoga and meditation help stave off age-related declines in memory, concentration, information processing and improve the ability to regulate thoughts and emotions? Ground breaking new research exploring the interface of yoga, meditation, and brain science suggests that this may indeed be possible. Read more
yoga and weight loss

Yoga and Weight Loss: How Much of a Calorie Blaster Is Bikram Yoga Really?

Bikram yoga, also known as hot yoga, has soared in popularity in recent years, thanks in large part to its reputation as a “calorie blaster.” Some studios claim their Bikram classes will help you burn as many as 1,000 calories in a single session, which sounds like a dieter’s dream. Read more

Yoga Improves Brain Functioning in Older Adults, Study Suggests

Practicing yoga as little as three times a week can help improve brain functioning in older adults, a new study suggests. The study is one of the first to offer evidence that yoga might help counteract the cognitive decline otherwise often seen as part of the aging process. Read more