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Looking to Take Your Yoga Teaching to the Next Level? What to Look for in an Online RYT-300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Eva Norlyk Smith, Ph.D., C-RYT, LMT and Lacey Ramirez, E-RYT 500, M.S.
Online yoga teacher training, choosing a solid program with experienced teachers

If there is a silver lining in the pandemic, it is that the dramatic expansion of online yoga has opened up countless new opportunities for yoga teachers. 

Chief among them is the opportunity to take Yoga Alliance-approved yoga teacher trainings online. For the time being, at least, Yoga Alliance has modified its requirements to enable online yoga teacher trainings both at the 200-hour level as well as the 300-hour level.

yoga anatomy picture of bridge pose

Experiential Anatomy as Yoga Therapy: Learning, Feeling, Integrating

Learning anatomy becomes a rich, multidimensional event when you directly experience physical structures and systems in your own body. Learning anatomy intellectually in one or two dimensions is useful, but... Read more
yoga postures yoga therapy

Should Yoga Postures Take a Backseat in Yoga Therapy? A New Research Paper Tackles a Bold, But Controversial Question

A new critical review of yoga therapy in health care calls for eliminating postures and using reductionist research methods. Is it missing the mark? Read more

Healthy Respiration: How Breathing Affects … Well … Everything

It is essential that massage therapists, yoga teachers, and yoga and movement therapists develop a good basic understanding of ribcage and thoracic spine biomechanics and their relationship to optimal... Read more

Yoga Therapy RX Certification Program

Like Viniyoga and Rodney Yee's Urban Zen, Yoga Therapy Rx, offers yoga therapy training integrated into traditional health care settings. Read more

Book Review: Yoga as Medicine Ultimate Guide to Yoga Therapy

Yoga as Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing is clearly a labor of love and the ultimate guide to yoga therapy . This definitive volume was written by the Yoga Journal medical editor,... Read more

Generalized Yoga Therapy Training: Viniyoga

The yoga therapy training at the American Viniyoga Institute centers on train yoga therapists to bring out the best in each client by first understanding the person's present condition and modifying yoga asanas accordingly. Read more

LifeForce Yoga for Depression

LifeForce Yoga targets depression through energizing and cleansing movements (kriyas), deep breathing routines (pranayama), along with more traditional standing postures, forward and backward bends, and twists. Weintraub also includes elements not commonly found in traditional yoga classes, including mudras, chanting, and therapeutic long holding of postures. Read more

Teaching Yoga to Children with Special Needs

One of the leading yoga therapy training programs for children with special needs was developed by Sonia Sumar, author of Yoga for the Special Child . Ms. Sumar started using yoga therapy for children more than 30 years ago, as intervention therapy for her own daughter, who was born with Down's syndrome in 1972. Read more

Generalized and Specialized Yoga Therapy Training - Which Is Best?

Most forms of yoga therapy training can be divided into two parts: Generalized and specialized. Generalized yoga therapy trainings seek to give a broad yoga therapy education, enabling yoga therapists to apply yoga therapy to a wide range of specific conditions. Specialized forms of yoga therapy certification focus on one specific condition, such as yoga for depression, yoga for MS, or yoga for back pain. Read more

Yoga Therapy Training at Duke Integrative Medicine

Duke Integrative Medicine offers a broad array of alternative healing therapies and unique opportunity for yoga therapy training resulting in certification in Therapeutic Yoga for Seniors Read more