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How Mindfulness Can Boost Your New Year’s Resolve

Charlotte Bell
Older woman practicing meditation outdoors.

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? How do they usually pan out for you?

The new year seems like a good time to start with a clean slate. Resolving to change habits that no longer serve and develop newer, healthier habits is a worthy practice. But most of us have found out through experience that it’s not always as easy as we think it should be.

Teaching yoga

Teaching Yoga: The Wisdom of Not Knowing

This morning a student asked me what should have been a simple question: What should I be feeling in this position? A minute or so later, I’d given her the best non-answer I could. Why a non-answer? First, I’m... Read more

That’s My Spot! Non-attachment on the Yoga Mat

Last week a new student came into class and began arranging her mat and props on the floor in a somewhat tentative manner. This class is ongoing and most of the attendees are regulars. Although the atmosphere... Read more
Anjali Mudra

Anjali Mudra - Simple Greeting or Divine Salute?

Few positions are more ubiquitous in yoga practice than Anjali Mudra (Prayer Position). We often practice Anjali Mudra to begin and end a class. We begin and end Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) in Anjali Mudra... Read more

Radical Expansion: 3 Yoga Poses for an Open Heart Space

When we use the term “open-hearted” to describe someone, what comes to mind is a person whose kindness extends to all. We can develop an open heart by practicing qualities such as those listed in the verse 1... Read more

Yoga and the Art of Befriending Your Body: It’s an Inside Job

“An authentic yoga practice is anything that nourishes an individual so that they can truly befriend themselves.” ~ Donna Farhi Making friends with our body is not easy. Most of us quietly worry about our body... Read more

Right Speech: Five Guidelines for Mastering the Subtle Art of Mindful Communication

If you are brave enough to venture into online comment sections, you may feel as if you need a shower afterward. I know I do. Online communications are a minefield. The proliferation of anonymous commenting on... Read more

The Yoga of Now: The Art of Being Present with Your Practice

Yoga’s popularity has exploded in the past 15 years. And what constitutes popular yoga is completely different from what it used to be. In the ’80s and ’90s, Hatha Yoga was the most common form, with Iyengar-... Read more

A New Look at Alignment in Yoga: Finding Continuity to Balance Effort & Ease

My 30-plus-year yoga practice is rooted in the Iyengar system. For decades, I studied with Iyengar teachers, almost exclusively. The non-Iyengar teachers I’ve gravitated to have mostly been people whose... Read more

Teaching Yoga - 30 Years of Gratitude

Friends who knew me in grade school and high school would probably never have pegged me as a person who’d end up teaching yoga. I was painfully shy. If students had been graded on participation back in my high... Read more

Nourish Yourself - 5 Tips for Replenishing Your Energy

In the span of two weeks the pile of unopened mail in my kitchen has grown taller and more unruly. Every so often I try to neaten its edges but I have done nothing to reduce its size. It’s not that I don’t... Read more